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Welcome, Parents!

Parenting invokes many different emotions from: joy, fear, happiness, love, and even shame. It’s a gift to have a child that you can love, protect and instill values into, in hopes that they will one day grow into being an awesome adult. However, parenting did not come with a manual for guidance, and it should be noted that parents learn as their child experiences the world around them.

We want to focus on how those experiences can be met with positive coping. Healthy or positive coping strategies are tools that we use when presented with difficult emotions and tough situations. These strategies should ideally be practiced on a regular basis by incorporating them into one’s daily routine, in hopes that one will be better equipped to handle stressors. We believe that there's no better time to start implementing positive coping strategies than by teaching them to kids early in their childhood, so they may lead meaningful lives.


But parents, don’t forget about your own needs. Coping skills are not just about getting a massage or your toes done but they are a way of being and doing. It’s identifying those things that ground you and keep you going that you can use in the moment, not just when the going gets tough.

Mother and daughter

Parents, how are you coping? Let us join you on your parenting journey! 

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